
Friday, January 7, 2011

Some Resources that may be helpful for the Anniversary

In light of the upcoming anniversary I wanted to share some resources...just in case you missed them elsewhere.

First the Episcopal Church has launched a campaign to raise money for the Holy Trinity Cathedral Complex in Port au Prince. This includes Holy Trinity Cathedral (St. Trinite in French) and the schools that used to be on its grounds. You can learn more about the campaign and donate by visiting their website

This is the same fund that I will be giving the money from the Calendar sales to...Which are still available for purchase ... I'm close to one of my just a couple more sails will help me reach it...hint hint. I'm not being completely serious but I still do think the calendar is a great way to look at beautiful art, give to a good cause, and keep Haiti ever present on your mind throughout the year.

In my last post I talked about the anniversary and not being sure how I would mark the occasion. I also asked what others might be doing that day. Here is a link to some prayers that some Episcopal Churches have put together. Perhaps you may want to say them on your own, or see if your church could use them in an upcoming service.

Do you have any prayers or resources to share?

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